In case you’ve been under a rock, we’ve been giving away 5 bobbles a week until Earth Day April 22nd. We’re now in the final week so this is seriously your last chance. bobble is a new water bobble with a built-in and replaceable carbon filter good for 300 refills. I know the water companies don’t want us to stop buying disposable water bottles but this is just one small thing we can all do and there’s no better time than now for Earth Day. Want to win one? Hit the jump to find out how but hurry, give-a-way ends April 22nd.
To enter:
Follow bobble on Twitter.
Tweet your favorite bobble color.
Be sure to include @yankodesign and @waterbobble for a valid entry.
We’ll notify winners directly thru Twitter on April 22nd.
Sponsor: bobble – Fan Them, Follow Them